Sunday, April 29, 2007

Rough weekend

Wow, i never knew getting paid $35 to ref a game, 3 in a row with 16 year olds, was painful. I only usually ref u-12 games and what not. But i decided to ref u-15 games this past weekend and that was a big mistake. In my whole USSF reffing career, ive probably given 2-3 yellow cards, but just in this 1 game i gave out 2. In the next game i gave out 2 as well. ITS CRAZY! We didnt even have our 3rd ref show up so it was only 2 of us taking care of was hell. In the end, half asleep during the ride home, it felt rewarding knowing i helped a group of kids play a game they were ready to play....until my mom told me about work that night. I still had my other job beckoning me. I was already dead late, i couldnt have made it there in time. So i went home and showered up. It was a hell of a weekend tho. Now all i have to do is make it through another week of school and it all happens again. This week the main highlight is rat disection in bio class. Im excited for it.